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IT: The Tribunale di Bologna referred to the CJEU questions for preliminary ruling in the context of criminal proceedings initiated against a Congolese applicant for international protection for assistance in the entry and stay of third-country nationals in an irregular situation and use of forged documents.

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EU Charter of Fundamental Rights
Italy, Civil Court [Tribunali], OB, registered with the CJEU under C-460/23, 17 July 2023. Link redirects to the English summary in the EUAA Case Law Database.
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The case is registered with the CJEU under Case C-460/23.

The request for a preliminary ruling was made by the Tribunale di Bologna in the context of criminal proceedings initiated against OB, of Congolese origin (who had also applied for international protection in Italy) for assistance in the entry and stay of third-country nationals in an irregular situation and use of forged documents. The Tribunale di Bologna stayed proceedings and referred the following questions for a preliminary ruling:

  1. Does the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular the principle of proportionality referred to in Article 52(1), read in conjunction with the right to personal liberty and the right to property referred to in Articles 6 and 17, as well as the rights to life and physical integrity referred to in Articles 2 and 3, the right to asylum referred to in Article 18 and respect for family life referred to in Article 7, preclude the provisions of Directive 2002/90/EC and Framework Decision 2002/946/JHA (implemented in Italian law by the rules laid down in Article 12 of Legislative Decree No 286), in so far as they impose on Member States the obligation to provide for penalties of a criminal nature against any person who intentionally facilitates or engages in acts intended to facilitate the unauthorised entry of foreign nationals into the territory of the Union, even where the conduct is carried out on a non-profit-making basis, without providing, at the same time, an obligation on Member States to exclude from criminalisation conduct facilitating unauthorised entry aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the foreign national?
  2. Does the Charter of Fundamental Rights, in particular the principle of proportionality referred to in Article 52(1), read in conjunction with the right to personal liberty and the right to property referred to in Articles 6 and 17, as well as the rights to life and physical integrity referred to in Articles 2 and 3, the right to asylum referred to in Article 18 and respect for family life referred to in Article 7, preclude the criminal offence provisions laid down in Article 12 of Legislative Decree No 286, in so far as it penalises the conduct of a person who engages in acts intended to procure the unauthorised entry of a foreign national into the territory of the State, even where the conduct is carried out on a nonprofit-making basis, without at the same time excluding from criminalisation conduct facilitating unauthorised entry aimed at providing humanitarian assistance to the foreign national?
Country of Decision
Court Name
IT: Civil Court [Tribunali]
Case Number
registered with the CJEU under C-460/23
Date of Decision
Country of Origin
Democratic Republic of the Congo