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Ple​ase note that the EUAA Case Law Database will not be available from 30 July to 7 August 2024 and disturbances may be experienced from 8 to 19 August 2024.​​​

Latest registrations are available here arranged by date of insert/registration in the EUAA Case Law Database (not by date of publication).

BG: The Supreme Administrative Court rejected the appeal lodged by a Ukrainian national against refusal to be registered for international protection procedure due to the fact that he is a beneficiary of temporary protection

The case concerned a Ukrainian national who applied against the decision of the administrative court which rejected his appeal against the inactivity of the State Agency for Refugees on his request to apply for asylum. The applicant is a beneficiary of temporary protection and his request for international protection was refused and not registered.

The Supreme Administrative Court recalled its previous...

DE: The Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia ruled that there is no serious general danger to life and limb of the civilian population in Syria due to civil war. The judgment may be appealed with the Federal Administrative Court.

The applicant is a Syrian national from Hasaka Province in northeastern Syria. He entered the Federal Republic of Germany in 2014 and requested asylum. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) rejected his request because he participated in smuggling people from Turkey into Europe before entering Germany and he had been sentenced in Austria to several years imprisonment for these offences. The applicant...

NL: The District Court of the Hague, seated in Zwolle, annulled a decision by the State Secretary for Justice and Security, and granted international protection to two Turkish nationals on the basis of the real risk of serious harm that they face at the hands of their family due to their gender identity and sexual orientation and the lack of effective national protection.

The applicants are two Turkish nationals. On 16 October 2023, the State Secretary for Justice and Security rejected their asylum applications, and the applicants lodged an appeal against that decision before the District Court of the Hague, seated in Zwolle.

The applicants applied for asylum due to the difficulties that they faced with their families. They met in 2010 and are in a...

NL: The Council of State declared unlawful a new working method by the State Secretary for Justice and Security to reject an asylum application as unfounded or manifestly unfounded when the applicant does not attend the personal interview without providing prior notice.

The applicant is an Algerian national whose request for asylum was rejected by the State Secretary for Justice and Security on 6 April 2023 after he failed to appear for a further interview (after the registration interview) without prior notice. The State Secretary initiated a trial for a new working method in October 2022 at the Budel asylum center, informing asylum seekers that failure to attend interviews without...

NL: The Council of State ruled that trans women in Colombia, although they face difficulties, are not systematically persecuted, and that an individual assessment of cases is necessary in conjunction with an examination of available country information.

The applicant is a national from Colombia and is a trans woman. Her request for asylum was rejected by the State Secretary for Justice and Security on 22 June 2021. On 20 October 2021, the District Court of the Hague, seated in ‘s-Hertogenbosch, found the applicant’s appeal against that decision to be unfounded. Subsequently, the applicant lodged an appeal against the judgment of the district court before...

NL: The Council of State ruled that a measure of deprivation of liberty which was prolonged for five weeks until the scheduled hearing of an appeal against an asylum decision was lawful in light of Article 9(1) of the recast Reception Conditions Directive.

The applicant is an Indian national. He requested asylum on 25 November 2023 upon arrival at Schiphol Airport and was detained the same day by the State Secretary for Justice and Security. On 4 December 2023, his asylum application was rejected as manifestly unfounded. The applicant appealed this decision. A hearing against the deprivation of liberty was held on 12 December 2023. The appeal...

FR: The National Court of Asylum provided refugee status to a man from Burkina Faso at risk of persecution due to his homosexuality.

The applicant is a national of Burkina Faso who requested asylum in France claiming that he feared persecution or serious harm in Burkina Faso, from his family and members of society of Burkina Faso, because of his sexual orientation, without being able to rely on the protection of the national authorities. He claimed that he was attacked and threatened by members of his family, namely his brother and an uncle, because...

FR: The CNDA provided refugee protection to a man from Togo at risk of persecution due to his homosexuality.

The applicant is a national of Togo who requested asylum in France claiming that he feared persecution or serious harm in Togo, from his brother and other members of his family who held him for a week and assaulted him because of his sexual orientation. He claimed that he was also threatened to be exposed by a priest who found out about his relation with a man.

By decision of 15 January 2024, the French...

FR: The National Court of Asylum (CNDA) ruled that South Kordofan in Sudan is experiencing a situation of indiscriminate violence of exceptional intensity.

The applicant is a national of Sudan, of Nuba ethnicity from Abu Kershola, in South Kordofan, who requested asylum in France claiming to be at risk of persecution by the government and a rebel movement due to imputed political opinion. He also added that the security situation puts him at risk of indiscriminate violence.

By decision of 26 January 2024, The French Office for Refugees and Stateless Persons...

BG: The Administrative Court of Varna ruled on social benefits for family with children, beneficiaries of temporary protection.

The case concerned a request made by an Ukrainian national beneficiary of temporary protection, to contest the decision of the Director of the "Social Assistance" Directorate - Varna, containing a refusal to grant a one-time aid for a student enrolled in the first, second, third and fourth grades.

The applicant argued that she and her family are entitled to social assistance and that the...