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​Latest registrations are available here arranged by date of insert/registration in the EUAA Case Law Database (not by date of publication).

European Union
EU: Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU]

According to the press release of the CJEU:

"An Eritrean arrived in the Netherlands at the age of 17 and was recognised as a beneficiary of international protection. Once he had reached the age of 18, the Netherlands authorities informed him of his obligation to undergo civic integration training pursuant to...

CH: Federal Administrative Court [Bundesverwaltungsgericht - Tribunal administratif fédéral - FAC]

The applicant, Ukrainian national, arrived in Switzerland with her partner on 15 June 2024 and requested S status (equivalent to S status). The applicant mentioned that she was in Slovakia when the war broke on 24 February 2022 as she was visiting a friend, and she could not return home as there were no means of transport. She presented her passport, and a temporary protection status issued in Slovakia from 2022 to...

DE: Federal Administrative Court [Bundesverwaltungsgericht]
No 1 C 9.23

According to the summary provided by the EUAA Courts and Tribunals Network: 

"The applicants are Syrian nationals. They seek visas for family reunification with their father who was recognized as a refugee in Germany. After being recognized as refugee and being granted a residence permit, the applicants' father submitted notifications to the competent immigration authorities within the time...

European Union
EU: Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU]
Joined Cases C-123/23 and C-202/23

According to the abstract provided by the CJEU:

"Ruling on a request for a preliminary ruling from the Verwaltungsgericht Minden (Administrative Court, Minden, Germany), the Court of Justice specifies the conditions under...

HR: High Administrative Court [Visoki upravni sud]

By the decision of 3 November 2023, the Ministry of Interior adopted a detention measure (decision restricting the movement) against a Syrian applicant, by placing him in the Reception Centre for Foreigners for three months. 

The applicant appealed against the decision on grounds that it relied on unverified claims from the Security and Intelligence Agency (SOA) dated on 30 October 2023, which the...

SK: Administrative Court in Bratislava [Správny súd v Bratislave]

The case concerned the appeal lodged by an applicant from Pakistan against the negative decision on his asylum application. The applicant was held in detention for nine months. The applicant claimed, when in detention the Police Detention Unit for Foreigners Medveďov, that he applied for asylum on grounds of fear of persecution by the Taliban. He lived in a border area with Afghanistan, where there was constant...

IT: Supreme Court of Cassation - Civil section [Corte Supreme di Cassazione]
RG 14533/2024

The application for international protection of a national of Tunisia was rejected as manifestly unfounded, as per Article 28b(1)(b) of Legislative Decree 25/2008, on grounds that he was from a country deemed safe under Article 2a of the same decree. The applicant appealed to the Tribunal of Rome, which referred question to the Court of Cassation. The tribunal asked the Court of Cassation to clarify whether, when an...

Council of Europe
CoE: European Court of Human Rights [ECtHR]
No 59319/19

The case concerned Afghan unaccompanied minors who arrived in Greece between September and December 2019 and claimed not to have had access to information regarding the asylum procedure, that they did not have access to interpreters and were wrongly registered as adults and not provided with the safeguards for unaccompanied minors. They complained before the ECtHR that they were accommodated in unsuitable...

CH: Federal Administrative Court [Bundesverwaltungsgericht - Tribunal administratif fédéral - FAC]

The case concerned an appeal submitted by a Ukrainian national against the SEM decision to reject her request for temporary protection (status S). In the contested decision, SEM has noted that A, the applicant, was a Ukrainian national who entered Switzerland in May 2024 and submitted an application for temporary protection to the Federal Asylum Centre where she was accommodated. The applicant mentioned that she left...

European Union
EU: Court of Justice of the European Union [CJEU]
C-244/24 and C-290/24

According to the press release of the CJEU:

"The Dutch authorities had initially decided to extend the temporary protection scheme for displaced persons from Ukraine to categories of persons other than those covered by EU law. Subsequently, however, those authorities decided to withdraw the benefit of that...