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The EUAA Case Law Database is a publicly available platform that gathers recent asylum case law pronounced by national appeal bodies and courts of EU Member States and Iceland, Norway and Switzerland, as well as asylum jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the European Court of Human Rights. The EUAA Case Law Database stores a selection of the most relevant asylum case law related to the implementation of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) by national and European courts and asylum appeal bodies. 

The EUAA Case Law Database was developed according to EU Regulation 43​9/2010 establishing a European Asylum Support Office (Article 11). After EASO became the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA), the legal basis of the EUAA Case Law Database changed to EU Regulation 2021/230​3, Article 6.

The EUAA Case Law Database is a common point of reference for all European and national information on asylum, ensuring consistency in approach and source data, and providing the jurisprudential counterpart to the Information and Documentation System​​​ (IDS) and statistical data collection under the Early warning and Preparedness System​ (EPS). 

Scope and methodology

The tool was developed upon request of EU+ countries to address current information needs on CEAS Implementation in the Member States and serves as a complementary point of information on relevant jurisprudential developments. The EUAA Case Law Database is not exhaustive and does not aim to replace existing court or relevant case law databases. Thus, references to official sources are included for each registered case. 

The EUAA Case Law Database covers case-law related to international protection issued by:
  • National courts (mainly, but not exclusively, decisions from upper courts)
  • The Court of Justice of the European Union
  • The European Court of Human Rights
  • The UN bodies

The selection of judgments and decisions is done by taking into account several aspects which indicate the relevancy of the case. Such aspects may include, but are not limited to:
  • Preliminary rulings and orders of the CJEU (including preliminary referrals to the CJEU);
  • Landmark cases of the ECtHR and UN bodies;
  • New assessments based on country of origin information;
  • Important changes that affect the implementation of CEAS (e.g. COVID-19);
  • Novelties in the examination (e.g. considerations about climate change);
  • Confirmation of a previous assessment, interpretation or clarifications of concepts, procedures, legislation.

How are cases registered? The EUAA Case Law Database allows for the electronic registration of relevant jurisprudence based on input received in the context of:

An online form is also available for all interested users to 'Submit New Case Law'. Registrations are reviewed by the EUAA IDS Team and published, if approved.