Judicial Institutions
EUAA Publications
EUAA Asylum Report 2023 - The annual EUAA Asylum Report provides a comprehensive overview of key developments in asylum in Member States of the European Union, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland (EU+ countries). All aspects of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) are covered by summarising changes to legislation, policy and practices at the European and national levels. The report presents selected case law which has shaped the interpretation of European and national laws, as well as key indicators for the 2022 reference year, which highlight emerging trends and the effectiveness of asylum systems. Read more here
EUAA Professional Development Series - The EUAA is working towards creating professional development materials in support of the promotion of quality and harmonisation in the area of asylum law specifically tailored to the needs of members of courts and tribunals in Member States and Associated Countries. These materials are being developed in conjunction with representatives of courts and tribunals from the Member States and Associated Countries with full respect of the independence of courts and tribunals. EUAA also cooperates with judicial training institutions, judicial associations, the European Commission, other EU Agencies, UNHCR and other relevant actors. In addition to the development of these materials, EUAA also provides ad hoc support in response to requests received from courts and tribunals. Read more
EUAA Country of Origin Information Reports - The
EUAA Country of Origin Information (COI) gathers relevant information and draws
up reports providing for accurate, reliable and up to date information on third
countries to support EU+ asylum and migration authorities in reaching accurate
and fair decisions in asylum procedures, or support policy making. COI refers
to, inter alia, the political, religious and security situation and to
violations of human rights, including torture and ill-treatment in the third
countries concerned. Read more here and here
EUAA Country Guidance Reports - Country
Guidance is country-specific common analysis and guidance developed by the EUAA
together with a network of senior-level policy officials from EU+ countries.
The country guidance documents aim to assist decision-makers and policy-makers.
The countries are selected together with Member States. Some of the key factors
taken into account in the prioritisation are the number of applications
received in Member States and associated countries and the need to foster
further convergence in the assessment of international protection needs. Read more here and here
EUAA Thematic Workshop on Legal Assistance and Representation in the Asylum Procedure - The EUAA held a thematic workshop between 1-2 March 2023, which was attended by over 100 participants. Some presentations have been made available as articles to capture the discussions which were held:
Council of Europe Resources
Directorate General of Human Rights and Rule of Law, Administrative detention of migrants and asylum seekers. Guide for practitioners, November 2023
Department for the Execution of Judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, DG1, Thematic factsheet - Migration and Asylum, November 2021
- The European Court of Human Rights, Knowledge Sharing platform (ECHR-KS)
- The European Court of Human Rights, Factsheet - Accompanied migrant minors in detention, June 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Factsheet - Unaccompanied migrant minors in detention, July 2022
- The European Court of Human Rights, Factsheet - Collective expulsion of aliens, March 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Factsheet - 'Dublin' cases, January 2022
- The European Court of Human Rights, Guide on the case-law of the European Convention on Human Rights on Immigration, 28 February 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Key Theme - Detention of migrant children, 28 February 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Key Theme - Summary
returns of migrants and/or asylum-seekers (“push-backs”) and related case
scenarios, 28 February 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Key Theme - Health and immigration, 28 February 2023
- The European Court of Human Rights, Key Theme - Article 14 Discrimination and immigration, 28 February 2023