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SK: The Košice Regional Court recalled that lawful detention for the purpose of return requires both the existence of an enforceable expulsion decision and the fulfilment of the purpose of detention.

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Original Documents
Relevant Legislative Provisions
Dublin Regulation III (Regulation (EU) No 604/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 establishing the criteria and mechanisms for determining the Member State responsible for examining an application for IP); European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR); Return Directive (Directive 2008/115/EC of 16 December 2008 on common standards and procedures in Member States for returning illegally staying third-country nationals)
Slovakia, County (Regional) Court in Bratislava [sk. Košice], A.B. v Mobile unit of the Banská Bystrica Police Force, 4Sa/9/2023, ECLI:SK:KSKE:2023:7023200141.1, 09 March 2023. Link redirects to the English summary in the EUAA Case Law Database.
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The Slovak authorities rejected the applicant’s request for international protection, and detained him for the purpose of his administrative expulsion. The applicant contested the legality of his detention based on the fact that the authorities failed to indicate the country he was to be returned to and to investigate the existence of obstacles to this expulsion. The applicant also questioned the authorities’ decision not to initiate his Dublin transfer to Greece after taking note of the Eurodac hit showing he had first applied for asylum there. In other proceedings, the applicant also contested the decision ordering his administrative expulsion.

In first instance, the Regional Court of Košice annulled the authorities’ decision to detain the applicant. The court stated that the legal ground for detention was erroneous because the decision ordering the applicant's administrative expulsion was not final yet, and noted the authorities’ failure to apply the Dublin III Regulation. The court did not order the applicant's release due to a risk of absconding and referred the case back to the authorities for further proceedings.

The applicant lodged an appeal in cassation against the decision of the Košice Regional Court. The Supreme Administrative Court overturned the contested decision, stating that the court of first instance failed to draw the consequences of its own decision by not ordering the applicant’s immediate release. The court recalled that an enforceable expulsion decision does not suffice to ensure the legality of detention, which also requires the fulfilment of the purpose of detention. The case was thus referred back to the Košice Regional Court.

In further proceedings, the authorities confirmed that the applicant could not be returned to his country of origin due to the treatment he would be exposed to, nor to Greece due to systemic failures in its asylum system.* Nevertheless, his detention was extended. The applicant therefore requested the Košice Regional Court to declare his detention unlawful and order his immediate release, in line with the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. The applicant argued that the justification for the extension of his detention was an erroneous decision and that the authorities themselves pointed to the unenforceability of his return, therefore demonstrating a breach of article 5(1)(f) of the ECHR.

The Košice Regional Court upheld the applicant’s appeal, annulled the decision based on which he was first detained, as well as the decision extending his detention, and ordered his immediate release.


*This issue was not addressed by the Kosice Regional Court in this decision.

Country of Decision
Court Name
SK: County (Regional) Court in Bratislava [sk. Košice]
Case Number
Date of Decision
Country of Origin
Detention/ Alternatives to Detention
Dublin procedure