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CY: The Administrative Court of International Protection rejected an appeal against a negative decision, noting that Egypt had been designated as a safe country of origin

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Cyprus, International Protection Administrative Court [Διοικητικό Δικαστήριο Διεθνούς Προστασίας], A.S.A.A. A. v Republic of Cyprus, through the Asylum Service, 2652/21, ECLI:CY:DDDP:2022:183, 08 March 2022. Link redirects to the English summary in the EUAA Case Law Database.
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The applicant, Egyptian national, had his asylum application rejected in Cyprus and contested the decision, claiming that the authority failed to conduct a proper investigation and lack of justification. As reason for deciding to leave Egypt and come to Cyprus, the applicant alleged they had no money and he had to work and because of the religious persecution he and his family face there.

The Court conducted a research on the situation in Egypt, and found no evidence of a generalized situation of violence against Christians. In connection with what the applicant has stated during his oral interview, it is not documented that he has a well-founded fear of persecution due to his religious beliefs, since he has not been able to demonstrate that the incidents of violence between Muslims and of Christians concern him and/or affect him personally. 

Moreover, the Court noted that Egypt is included in the countries designated as safe countries of origin according to the Decree of the Minister of the Interior published on 8 May 2020 (K.D .P. 198/2020) but also in the most recent one published on 26 May 2021 (K.D.P. 225/2021). The list of safe countries of citizenship is determined by the Secretary of the Interior on the basis of the legal situation, the application of the law in the context of a democratic system and the general political conditions present in the designated countries, generally and permanently, when there are no acts of persecution in accordance with Article 3C of on Refugees Law, nor torture or inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.

The applicant's appeal was rejected.

Country of Decision
Court Name
CY: International Protection Administrative Court [Διοικητικό Δικαστήριο Διεθνούς Προστασίας]
Case Number
Date of Decision
Country of Origin
Safe Country concept/Safe Country of Origin/ Safe third country