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The case concerned Afghan unaccompanied minors who arrived in Greece between September and December 2019 and claimed not to have had access to information regarding the asylum procedure, that they did not have access to interpreters and were wrongly registered as adults and not provided with the safeguards for unaccompanied minors. They complained before the ECtHR that they were accommodated in...
The applicant, Ukrainian national, arrived in Switzerland with her partner on 15 June 2024 and requested S status (equivalent to S status). The applicant mentioned that she was in...
According to the summary provided by the EUAA Courts and Tribunals Network:  "The applicants are Syrian nationals. They seek visas for family reunification with their father who was recognized as a refugee in Germany. After being...
By the decision of 3 November 2023, the Ministry of Interior adopted a detention measure (decision restricting the movement) against a Syrian applicant, by placing him in the Reception Centre for Foreigners for three months.  The applicant appealed...


Judicial Institutions
Civil Society